Work, work, work...
This is Yves Perrenoud, Alex McDermond and myself, taken by Bruce Redke
of Micromuse. Micromuse has Giants season tickets, so Bruce took
us to the Giants versus Dodgers game on June 25th at PacBell Park.
It was a good time, and the Giants won, 5 to 2.
Click the image to see a bigger version
Here are some other sets of pics of work events
InfiniRoute A's Game 25 June 2004
Steve Litras' Party June 27, 2001
Veritas Training July 31 - Aug 5 2000
Alan's Party June 30, 2000
Golfing with Inktomi/Webspective January 10, 2000
(Click on the pictures for more detailed pictures of the subject.)